Solution & Consultation Academy -SCA Background:
Solution & Consultation Academy-SCA is consulting firm, privately – held stock company founded under the Egyptian law. The main office is located in 201, 26 July Street, Sphinx Sq. EL-Mohandessen
The SCA has long foreseen the crucial importance of Training as well as research and Development. As a result, the company has developed a vision of the utmost commitment to Training, research, development and implementation of results-oriented and sustainable strategic change initiatives that enable firms and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives.
SCA adopt interactive, working-partner style, our experiences have been transmuted into research and development and sustained by training, which is regularly developed ever since. We focus on top management level concerns, helping businesses initiate change and harvest the benefits, whether it’s through improving overall operations or transforming the enterprise. Through collaboration and teamwork, our consultants impeccably integrate strategy and business technology to help you meet your business goals.
The SCA with its recognized and Constancy track records in Training and, development takes pride in selecting highly talented and qualified research engineers, trainers, and project planners, who devoted themselves to conduct the researches and studies needed.
SCA specialist in information technology (IT) and management professionals. We offer a broad array of hands-on IT, project management, and professional skills training featuring proprietary core and custom curriculum, to turn knowledge into productivity for employees, customers, and channel partners.
Solution and Consultancy Academy (SCA) Aims to be one of the first 5 training entities in the Middle East and North Africa
The present philosophy adapted by SCA Aims to achieve the following: